Everyday more product lines of anti -aging are using active ingredients based on what Mother Nature give us to enhance their effectiveness. The need for power consumption required for our body are vitamins A , B3 , C and E.
Your Skin needs Vitamin A or beta-carotene for tissue regeneration and neutralize free radicals; Vitamin B3 or niacin, the lack of which causes dry and cracked skin; Vitamin Cfor its antioxidant (protects against free radicals that oxidize cells), provides repairs collagen and blood vessels; and vitamin E, which promotes cell regeneration, accelerates healing and protects cell membranes. Fruits that have these vitamins are melon and mango:
Melon: Consumption of 100 grams. containing 322 mcg. beta carotene, 32 mg. of vitamin C and 0.16 mg. vitamin E, besides being a fruit with lots of water helps a lot to hydration of your skin from the inside out.
The mango: This fibrous and juicy fruit is rich in anti-aging vitamins, provides per 100 g .: 81 g.cde water, 478 mcg. carotene plus vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin B3 or niacin. It also contains zinc, mineral that is involved in the formation of collagen and elastin. And last but not least has antioxidant properties.